We are very proud to introduce Filip’s part. We have had some videos which featured him in the past but a full part like the one you are about to see is a big thing! Having the last part in any video is a big thing, it is in many ways a handshake, a first impression and in this case Filip manages to give us the impression that this kid will be going places if he keeps working like this.
Filip is a 20-year-old boy from Kielce. Last year he moved to Warsaw to attend American studies. He is a good kid to hang out with – he doesn’t talk too much bullshit, he is open for any kind of missions. It’s funny when he is in his “bad boy” mode – he spits on something, kicks some thrash can on his way, draws something on a bus seat, etc. It’s typical “off the chain” youth puberty behaviour but in a very charming way.
I want to film more of his parts, and I want him to be noticed by those who should!
Krzysztof Godek
His skateboarding also became off the chain when he turned 18 and became an “adult”. Much more confident stoked to be on every skate trip – finally he could do whatever the fuck he wants to – and that’s exactly what he is doing. He has very good inspirations, taste in skating, art, and music – which shows in his skateboarding. Last year he won the Polish SOTY award issued by the Skate Culture Foundation. Some are afraid it’s too early for him – but he deserved it. This part is proof of his intense work ethic in 2019.
All the artwork & music is made by @joana_sus
music: Baccyard – Face get chopped awff

In many ways, this is a team effort made by both Filip and Krzysztof Godek together. Both in our opinion have grown a lot with this project and we are excited to see what Repeat skate, Filip and the rest of the crew will be doing in the future.
So a special thanks go out to all involved with the project and especially Konrad, Filip and most of all Krzysztof Godek!