Orwellian Landscapes is a crew/video series by Al Hodgson featuring Harrison Woolgar, Dougie George, Dan Fisher-Eustance, Cal Dawson, Vlad Kalynin, Jimmy Silver, and Al Hodgson himself. It is worth noting that their last video MARITIME was in the heaviest of pre-skate rotations for the longest. And we believe that young filmer should take note of Al’s music selection which is one of his trademarks and causes the viewer to know it is one of his works instantly. So, nothing left to say except press play and enjoy.
Tag: Dan Fisher-Eustance
Something really nice just dropped over at our friends at Vague go to the video above and then go click the link to see the article over at theirs.
Vague Mag – PAVILION
This video out of the UK or the Orwellian World Landscape is a weirdly beautiful combination of styles and trends that work in the context of the video.
Read more about the project over at Vague.