Tag: Maxi Thienen

About 2 weeks back we were in Vienna, we met up with the turtle crew, we filmed a little clip of this British guy Henry who found love in the city and we met up with Louis Marschall. All in all, it was a nice get-together, and most of the faces we saw during those sessions are now represented in this new 11-minute piece.

We asked Louis to tell us a bit more and he came back with this little text:

“I try to be outside filming almost every day anyway but what specifically made this video come together was my good friend Henry Gibbs.

“Because of the global outbreak of Covid-19 and the fact that his girlfriend is currently living in Vienna he decided to extend his trip to the city way longer than planned (In the end, he stayed about 4 months). 

Due to his positive energy and motivational skills, we had a really good time filming in beautiful Vienna. I believe this video shows just that, FUN, and I look forward to seeing him again. Cheers to Henry and all of my friends!”

Now simply press play and enjoy the ride.


Lorenz Sutter, Franco Simeoni, Max Geiselbrechtinger, Maxi Thienen, Max Rumpeltes, Paul Spendiér, Adrian Correa Kunnen, Manuel Correa Kunnen, Anton Defant, Markus Fischer, Danny Wright, Raphael Krisa, Viktor Szeberin, Sebastian Weissinger, Jan Federer, Lucas Jankoschek, Henry Gibbs & Louis Marschall.
