What to say that Luci hasn’t already said in his TURTLE 3 interview? What about just a little advice to young filmmakers, DO YOU and don’t follow the trend make it! Don’t trust me just follow Turtle Productions and see it in motion.

What to say that Luci hasn’t already said in his TURTLE 3 interview? What about just a little advice to young filmmakers, DO YOU and don’t follow the trend make it! Don’t trust me just follow Turtle Productions and see it in motion.
We have been to Karlsplatz many, many times and this place is probably the beating heart of downtown Vienna while it can also be just a “Square” for everyone to sit down and have a beer or two. It’s impulsive but yet also calming. Luci did a “ur Leiwand” Job with this one, including all the homies and all the corners of the square.
One thing just left us wondering, how come Luci is the filmer, editor and the best skater in this video all at once?
Featuring Lucas & Fabian Jankoschek, Henry Gibbs, Gabriel Schmit, Samuel Dietzel, Jan Federer, Simon Trummer, Sven Langkabel, Thomas Fuchs, Antonio Pekovic, Anton Defant, Gregor Fuchs, Christian Schörghofer, Sebi Binder, Niki Hergovich & many more.
Vienna’s Turtle Productions is back with a video called “Gehirnamputiert” and the right translation of the word would be brain-dead. We can tell you this, it is not the best time to be a turtle. Now, watch the video and understand why.
Featuring Lucas Jankoschek, Fabian Jankoschek, Sven Langkabel, Fan Federer, Simon Trummer, Thomas Fuchs, Lukas Koller, Lukas Krobath, Manuel Mayr, Henry Gibbs, Louis Marschall, Aurelio Ghirardelli and Gabriel Schmit.