Welcome to Barcelona and welcome to our house. It’s a simple house but it has a room that’s all your own. It has a shower, a TV set, a kitchen with pots and pans and most importantly, it has “us”– other people in it. Now I don’t know if you…. the person reading this, are still living with your parents or if you recently bought your first house, but I do know that all of the above and in between know the feeling of coming into a new place. A house filled with people you don’t really know. If you’re lucky, there might be some facial recognition here and there. Upon entry, you shake hands, state your name, try to remember theirs and ask for the Wi-Fi password. You do all of this with the goal of dropping your bags and getting to your room so you can lie down for a minute and process everything. Now for some of you, the alarm bells might have started ringing. You know the feeling, you know the drill, but if for some reason you can’t remember the feeling, let me help you refresh your memory. It is the same feeling you get when you go to summer camp.

This film is featuring: Marcus Shaw, Filip Almqvist, Phillip Oehmige, Pekka Løvås, Heitor Da Silva, Daniel Spängs & Martin Sandberg.

Filmed and edited by Peter Buikema.
