Today, Friday the 14th of June is not only the start of the European soccer championships, but it is also the day that we launch our very latest release in the Place Presents series with a new video by Carlo Campos for the G3nivs brand. It is safe to say that the video, the brand’s image, and the product are all things that are right up our alley and as such we are excited to be able to host their second video Genius 2. It is no stretch to say that while the business of skateboarding can be up and down, our culture’s DIY and entrepreneurial spirit shines and caries through into each generation of young skaters. So with projects like Genius 2 and others like Jacob Ortega’s last video “time kills all things” we feel the future is bright.

Text by Roland Hoogwater.

Film & edit by Carlo Campos.

Additional filming: David Simpkins, Sean Christiansen & Griffin Connor.