Julian Davidson scheint, nach allem was man so hört, ein ziemlich angenehmer Zeitgenosse zu sein – sein Skateboarding ist allerdings alles andere als zurückhaltend, eher das Gegenteil, wie dieser Clip unter Beweis stellt. Element befördert ihn also in die Pro Riege – völlig zu Recht!

Hier noch ein paar Quotes seiner Teamkollegen:

“Julian is about hard work, honor and principles. He’s my brother, and my favorite dude ever.” – Nick Garcia

“When given the chance to live next to a human like Julian, there is a seance that creates an uplifting sense of well being. Thank you for fucking living.” – Evan Smith

“Julian is a classy dude, on and off the board. He’s already one of my favorites.” – Mark Appleyard

“Meeting him at 12 with a squeaky voice, to now frontside flipping 12 stairs. I love my little Ju Ju!” – Chad Tim Tim

“Julian has been smashing it forever and I’m proud of all of his accomplishments so far. I’m looking forward to whatever comes next!” – Levi Brown

“Sick to see how far he’s come since the eldo days. Always been jealous of his proper flick.” – Trent McClung

“That dude rips, Can’t wait to go on a trip with him.” – Greyson Fletcher

“It’s inspiring and a joy to watch Julian having a blast on his board.”
– Ray Barbee

“Julian is a golden god, a classic cool type of kid. When I met him he was shorter than me, now he beats up people for me.” – Cole Mathews
