Das Sponsorenkarussel steht auch 2015 alles andere als still: Bastien Salabanzi ist frisch und höchstoffiziell im Team von Paul Rodriguez’ Primitive Skateboards gelandet. Wieso, weshalb, warum erfahr ihr in diesem Statement:

“I first met Bastien back at Tampa Am 2001. I was so amazed at his abilities and how consistent he was. I immediately became inspired to become a better skater and have looked up to him ever since. He is a true legend in skateboarding. I’m honored to have gotten to know him and so excited to have him as a part of the Primitive Skateboarding family!”

– Paul Rodriguez

Ein erster Blick auf Salabanzis Proboards:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-06 um 10.25.27
via TWS
