Even though this isn’t an actual Place Presents, it is as close to it as it gets. Because today on the 30th of June 2022 we present to you something special, something from South America, Chile to be exact. It is not a well-kept secret that one of Berlin’s most featured skaters on our channel is from Chile and as such the country has a special place in our hearts. So, when Matias (the filmer) hit us with a mail about REQUIEM we asked him to put some words to his video. Enjoy!
Intro by Roland Hoogwater.
Photos and Text by Matias Henríquez B.
Hi my name is Matias Henríquez B. and I am the filmer / Photographer behind REQUIEM. This is my first full-length video, I started the project in 2021 and filmed it up until early 2022 all in Chile ( we filmed mostly in Santiago and Valparaíso). It is important to note that we did this without any kind of support from brands, financial or otherwise, but instead with the help of friends, family, and the skateboard community.
Chile isn’t a particularly kind place to its skaters, even though there are some really cool spots. The truth is, wheels regularly get stuck in between the cracks of the pavement, and trucks are easily destroyed by the hard and bumpy texture of our third-world asphalt. But then again, maybe dealing with all that is the real reason why we’re still out here, growing stronger every day.
So, against all odds, the Chilean skateboard scene is currently bursting with diversity and great talents yet to be discovered. And with that, I hope you enjoy my video!