Tag: Chachi Maserati

Durao opens this video in the best way possible.

Featuring Antonio Durao, Andre Page, Josh Velez, Connor Champion, Kevin Tierney, Ben Blundell, Franco, Genesis Evans, Adam Zhu, Jason Byoun, Josh Wilson, Danny Dipalo, Chachi Maserati, Victor Beltran, Christian Caraballo, Kyota Umeki, Coles Bailey, Yaje Popson, Bill McFeely, Joseph Delgado & Shawn Powers.

Like the Alltimers guys the Bronze 56K guys had the rare experience of a rained out Barcelona trip. a ******VERY RARE****** sight indeed but that did not stop them from creating a nine-minute montage. Enjoy!

Kevin Tierney, Brendan Carroll, Dick Rizzo, Ron Deily, Josh Wilson, Adrian Vega, Chachi Maserati and Rob Gonyon.

Photo by Mike Heikkila
