Tag: Desmond Billie

Create Skateboards from San Fransisco brought out a nice video project that is something between a full length and a short clip. It features the upcoming youngsters Nico Hiraga, Desmond Billie, Tafari, Whitter, Kallen Matlock and a young G called Lil Dre. Moreover, having a scene whit a guy who is threaten someone with a knife seems to have become something like a secret trend since the Almost 5-Incher or at least the last Supreme video.

Die Boardcompany Western Edition feiert 15 Jahre Firmengeschichte, aus diesem Alass wurde das Video mit dem schlichten Titel XV releast, in dem die frischgebackenen Pros Nate Keegan und Antony Lopez ihr Können in Full Parts unter Beweis stellen. Ebenfalls mit Footage vertreten sind: Jabari Pendleton, Dwayne Galloway, Desmond Billie, Yuma Hara, Nikhil Thayer, Ed Kennedy, Ryuhei Kitazume, Jorge Ramirez, Raul Navarro und Yoshiaki Toeda.
