Tag: Jacob ovgreen

Carhartt released “A Skateboarding Annual” these days and we can’t wait to get our hands on this beautiful piece of printed paper – looks great. Whoever said that print is dead was wrong. Obviously.

“A Skateboarding Annual” is our very own contribution to skateboarding, adding some diversity to an already rich panorama of magazines, blogs, books and other media. This publication was initially intended to include all of the projects that the Carhartt WIP skateboarding dept. worked on last year, but since there are always many aspects that remain unseen to the public, we thought they deserved some exposure of their own. Instead of listing and recycling what we had already done, we chose to further explore these projects. We had the time and the hindsight to approach them from other angles, to put together images that had never cohabited, to give more space and depth, to commission work and essentially approach the editorial exercise with a bit more freedom than usual.We hope you enjoy our last 12 months of pushing around!





Available now in Carhartt WIP stores, selected retailers and online.
