Tag: Ludo Mendez

A new one out of Paris/France by the very talented Elliot Bonnabel.

Featuring Nicolas Gisonno, Lilian Fev, Morgan Katomba, Etienne Chatelain, Quentin Boillon, Axel Thomas, Armand Vaucher, Marca Barbier, Remy Taverira, Val Bauer, Marceau Pigeon, Antoine Plisson, Quentin Dalsiva, Will Samsun, Julien Riou, Ludo Mendez, Tom Abord, Arthu Myhill, Adrien Chabiron, Valentin Verd, Macéo Moreau, Kevin Oscan, Lilian Ceccon, Tony Rafanomezana, Antoine Rauber & Uryann Raudet.

One never knows if kids these days were being ironic in using Jerry Hsu’s famed ender song for his Bag Of Suck part or if they were just oblivious to it.

But besides that, we are excited to mostly unseen spots, young skaters doing some cool tricks and an overall nice videographic result.
