Tag: Mark Del Negro

The insane ledge tech superiority of Hélas is back with a new mixtape set in – where else? – the marble wonderland of Shanghai. Exceptional skateboarding that already definds the bar for 2017 with especially an outstanding Mark Del Negro leading the way.

Featuring Brian Peacock, William Monneris, JP Villa, Marek Zaprazny, Dan Leung and Mark Del Negro.

It is not by chance that international hype around the Paris based clothing brand Hélas is constantly growing, if they keep their mixtapes shine like this! Lucas Puig and his GUCCIT retinue are ripping the shit out of Paris and Barcelona! Click clack boom!

Starring: Lucas Puig, Jesus Fernandez, Maxime Geronzi, Brian Peacock, JB Gillet, Dan Leung, Mark del Negro, William Monneris, Karl Salah, Mark Zaprazny, Brayan Albarenca, Tommy Zhao, Clement Brunel, Stephen Khou, Roman Lisivka and Luy Pa Sin.

Kurz vor Weihnachten kommt Hélas noch mit einem Highlight um die Ecke, die Rede ist von diesem 14 Minuten langen Videomixtape in dem unter anderem Lucas Puig, Flo Mirtain, Brian Peacock, Luypa Sin, Felipe Gustavo, Marek Zaprazny, Dan Leung, Mark Del Negro und Gauthier Rouger ihr Können unter Beweis stellen. Gefilmt wurde in Frankreich, Barcelona, England und Shanghai – und wie!
