Tag: Paul Conradi

Frankfurt’s Frafimi is back with an epic edit featuring Fabian Michel, Matthias Ellinger, Kert Hollywood, Philipp Schäfer, Mark Metzner, Marc Stevens, Max Schöffer, Tim Thomas, Moritz Marquardt & many more. Great soundtrack even greater cast!

If you want to support those guys, click HERE.

Sometimes if you don’t pay attention you might miss some good stuff, it can be the littlest thing like living on the other side of the border between Germany and Belgium, and you might miss seeing a trick that can become your new favorite move. And this video definitely sparked some ideas that we are trying out later today. So check it out and maybe it will have a similar effect on you.

Featuring: Fabian Michel, Dr. Love, Nikita Weltman, Martin Lautenbach, Johannes Schön, Konstantin Kipfmüller, Thomas Gentsh, Paul Conradi, Patrick Bös, Moritz Osterkamp, Till Zu Dohna, Willow, Daniel Spiegel and more
