Tag: Shane Goes

Neben “What’s the song?” gibt es immer wieder reichlich amüsante Kommentare zu Video Parts von bekannten Skatern oder beliebten Brands. Shane o’Neills “Shane Goes” Part schlug ein wie eine Bombe und legte sogar für mehrere Stunden den Thrasher Magazine Server lahm. Wir haben uns durch die Kommentare gelesen und Statements gefunden, welche wir euch nicht vorenthalten möchten:

“not a single no comply…”

“Why so low quality?”

“it looks like ZIGRAM23 just got some major updates”

“nice part.”

“wanted more manuals :-(”

“he almost looked human in a few of these clips”

“Fact: 100% of those who complain about ramps at wallenberg could never ollie wallenberg”

“I would’ve been more satisfied if he didn’t a no comply, a slappy, a wallie, or something. Next video please”

“Its 15 seconds, where TF is the full video?”

“Sick part Shane….side note, why is every comment thread always littered with people asking what song? has nobody honestly ever heard of Shazam? its 2015 people”


“someone flow this kid some boards”

“Shane O’Neil is better than me”

“Sewa can do all that”

“A young R. Mullen with Benjamin Button’s disease”

Für alle die es verpasst haben:
