Tag: ben colen

Last Summer in Malmö we met Diego during one of our many visits, He was very nice and was friendly to everyone, he didn’t get recognized that much and his back certainly didn’t seem “fucked” either.

He does, however, have an interesting way about him, Jenkem explored his vibe in this interview they did with Diego.

Read the interview here.

Photo by Ben Colen.

On the Nike SB youtube, the video had this text underneath it.

“It was a 7-day trip. Skaters were Donovon Piscopo, John Fitzgerald, Caleb Barnett and Diego Todd. Benny Maglinao filmed and Jared Sherbert was there to TM and handle extra angles. We met in Ventura, skated some spots there, made a quick stop in Santa Maria before heading to Santa Cruz. Hit heavy rains in Santa Cruz so we bounced straight to Sac. Skated there for a couple of days and then went to SF. Had a couple good days in SF and on the way back tried to hit Santa Cruz, but pretty much got rained out there again. Skated Derby in the drizzle for a little bit then headed home.” – Ben Colen

We don’t know about you but if this is the result of a 7 day rained out trip than we wonder what would have happened when the sun was out. Another great job by Benny Maglinao and the Hockey team!

Highsnobiety just released a very interesting video on the recent Crailtap Exhibition, that went down in Los Angeles some weeks ago. Here’s more info and the video of course!

Crailtap, parent brand to Girl and Chocolate Skateboards among others, recently celebrated 20 years with a group photo exhibition entitled “Crail Camera Crew.” The brand’s first purely photographic show, CCC features work from regular collaborators including Jerry Hsu, Sam Smyth, Aaron Meza, Andy Mueller, Ben Colen and Eric Anthony. Chronicling the last 15 years of Crailtap, which includes brands Girl, Chocolate, Fourstar, Royal, Lakai and Crailtap, the online magazine, it’s hard to pin it down into one category, with the brand describing itself as more of an ethos than a regular company.

via Highsnobiety

Ben Colen, der Hausfotograf von Girl Skateboards, hat neben seiner hauptberfulichen Tätigkeit auch ein bisschen gefilmt. Und bei Corey Kennedy, Sean Malto, Raven Tershy und vielen anderen Girl Fahrern ist das durchaus funny und stylish. Seht selbst.

Von DC Shoes gibt es einen Clip, der noch einmal zeigt, wie viel in letzter Zeit bei ihnen passiert ist. Und Skateboarding von Nyjah Huston, Mikey Taylor, Josh Kalis, Wes Kremer und allen anderen. Check it.

Kennt ihr Denzel White? Wir auch nicht, aber nach seiner Firing Line behält man ihn im Gedächtnis.

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Und Derek Elmendorf? Kommt der aus einem Dorf? Was geht ab bei dem? Bs 50-50 an unglaublichen Rails, das geht ab.

Aus unseren Breitengraden erreicht uns ein Minipart von Fabi Surber. Sehr schön, Herr Surbinator.

Silas Baxter Neal muss in seinem neuen Krux Video herausfinden, dass man Schuhe und Achsen bloss nicht vertauschen sollte.
