Tag: De Paris Yearbook

Yesterday we posted about Marc-a today we do the same if we are lucky he puts out another clip tomorrow and even though his footage is always nice this part has some of the best footage Mr. Barbier has produced so far. Kudos to Mr. Busutil and the rest of the De Paris staff for making this happen.

If you want to know more about this young Parisian read our interview with him.

Last Thursday Thomas Busutill launched the long-awaited Aus Berlin Yearbook at Civilist store in Berlin. As the De Paris and Of London ones the Aus Berlin Yearbook is also a great compilation of street photography from various photographers, which depict the life of skateboarders in one of Europe’s greatest skate metropolises. The book is a piece of art as it is a piece of history with photographies from Henrik Biemer, Benjamin Deberdt, Alexei Lapin, Alex Pires, Danny Sommerfeld and many many more.
The book launch was accompanied by a photo exhibition and a video premiere as well.

Photos by Paul Röhrs
