Tag: Jack Greer

We already knew that Devonté Hynes was the coolest of the cool but this video by artist, Iggy NYC creator, and 917 affiliate Jack Greer really solidifies that. Under his moniker of “Blood Orange” Dev has put out one of 2018’s best albums with his “Negro Swan” album.

The concept for his “Dagenham Dream” video is basically a “day in the life” starring Stüssy and Hockey skater Caleb Barnett in NYC, there are even some skate video references to be found here and there. Enjoy, watch and listen.

Most of you saw the 917 video and as with almost any “big” video nowadays multiple filmers where involved in making that project become a reality. 2two2 provides us with the perspective of Sean Dahlberg the person who actually filmed those tricks. Enjoy!

We haven’t seen a Johnny Wilson video in some time and that is slightly unusual for the most productive crew in NY, sure Johnny has been in Paris working on Supreme stuff but in the end that is Bill’s thing. So it is good to see Johnny and company back on our computers screens with the 21st installment of his HD series. Enjoy!

