Tag: Kam Edmonds

These videos coming out of Canada, more specifically Vancouver BC are really upping the level when it comes to well put together videos. Interesting trick choices, spot selection, and music choices are definitely a big thing in VC

Talking about VC there are similarities between Antosh Cimozko, Jake Kuzyk and now Chance’s style of doing things. This means that in a while we might be able to start speaking about a Vancouver school of filmers/editors. Exciting!

For now just press play and enjoy.

The guy that made The AntiSocial video and Civic Affair now delivers this 9-minute video called “Savers”. As always everything is on point, especially the music selection.


Dustin Henry, Dylan Fulford, Mike Campbell, Magnus Hanson, Kevin Lowry, Andrew McGraw, Mike Vince, Will Marshall, Zander Mitchell, Justin David, Jed Anderson and many more.
