Tag: Miika Adamov

FOFA is the name of the clique around maestro Miles Silvas and they went across the Atlantic to Spain for a two-weeks stay in Barcelona. And the long way was very much worth it!

“As adults it’s nearly impossible to plan a big skate trip with all your childhood friends, let alone 14 days in Spain. In September we did just that: amazing skate spots, beautiful beaches, tapas, a side mission to Zaragoza, Damm lemons, Jamboree, and some of the best times of our lives. FOFAlona was one for the books.” – Alan Hannon

Featuring Alan Hannon, Miles Silvas, Miika Adamov, Kilian Zehnder, Andy Dicker, Ryan Martin, Brandon Burdine, Will Grayson and Brenden Stadelman.
