Tag: Sam Hughes

London local brand Nancy released this sick and highly enjoyable video by Florentin Jadin. He and Mathieu Wojtylka are a perfect combo.

Check out Nancy’s website by clicking HERE.

One of the worst things about skateboard video watching is that at times they can be a bit formulaic at times. Not stepping outside of your boundaries can lead to boring content. But being open bringing in other influences and just simply displaying your own interests is what drives things forward.

The latter is what we see in this and other videos by Grant Dawson, to us one of the most exciting things is the song choice combined with the editing to this type of song. Great work!

Vans Syndicate und Slam City Skates feiern mit ihrem gemeinsamen Modell “Derby” das insgesamt 23te Release der Premiumline von Vans. Der Schuh kommt in feinstem Full Grain Leather, mit Wing Tip Design, Polyurethan Fußbett samt ImpactSorb Gel Pad an der Ferse und natürlich in limitierter Auflage. Wie sich der Schuh sich auf dem Skateboard macht, seht ihr in diesem Clip mit Chris Pulman, Paddy Jones, Sam Hughes, Jamie Arghh, Olly Todd, Darius Trabalza, Jacob Sawyer, Andrew Khosravani, Rob Mathieson und Curtis Pearl.

Erhältlich ist das gute Stück hier.
