Vans South Africa’s first ever video project, filmed & edited by Joubert van Staden.

Vans South Africa’s first ever video project, filmed & edited by Joubert van Staden.
This one is a Must-Watch!
“After Yann Horowitz kissed his boyfriend in celebration of winning the Vans Park Series African Continental Championships in 2018, Yann’s fearless yet fabulous style became the talk of skateboarding. Yann realized his skating and sexual identity were becoming intertwined, and he had to ask himself, “Do I really want to be the ‘gay skateboarder’?” In the past five years, questions of sexuality and identity in our culture have come into the spotlight, and individuals like Yann have faced the complicated balancing act of being both an inspiration, and still holding on to who they are. In this short Coming Out Day documentary Skateism and Vans followed Yann back to his roots in South Africa, to find out more about where he came from and where he’s headed.”
Have you seen THIS?
On the brink of Black History Month Free magazine posted this video from South Africa, Chakalakka celebrates skateboard culture in a continent that doesn’t always get the most shine.
Remember that tour clip in Spain set to some traditional Spanish music, no? Well, we made the case that it would be interesting to see more diverse music in skate videos, I.E. a clip filmed in India set to Sattar music and so forth and so on. Well we don’t know if the people over at Converse read our posts but they did put some African style music under this video and in our opinion it makes the vibe stand out even more.
Photo by Ben Colen
Die Cons Ambassadors Remy Taveira und David Stenstrom sind dem Ruf der Wildnis gefolgt und zusammen mit Filmer Niki Waltl nach Südafrika gereist, um Felipe Bartolome im Team willkommen zu heissen. Im Clip seht ihr wilde Tiere, ziemlich abwechslungsreiche Spots und harte Tricks in staubigen Straßen und großen Bowls. Da ist für jeden was dabei…