Tag: Vague Magazine

Orwellian Landscapes is a crew/video series by Al Hodgson featuring Harrison Woolgar, Dougie George, Dan Fisher-Eustance, Cal Dawson, Vlad Kalynin, Jimmy Silver, and Al Hodgson himself. It is worth noting that their last video MARITIME was in the heaviest of pre-skate rotations for the longest. And we believe that young filmer should take note of Al’s music selection which is one of his trademarks and causes the viewer to know it is one of his works instantly. So, nothing left to say except press play and enjoy.

Skateboarding gets a lot of its powers from new emerging factions and youth energy, Vague Mag combines those two and puts out this killer Nike SB England tour video.

Chris Jones, Kyron Davis, Hugo Boserup, Casper Brooker, Eniz Fazilov, Mark Stern, Myles Shankie, Jak Pietryga and Scott Anderson.

We are not often in England, not often enough anyway but in contrast to our physical whereabouts our eyes love to watch footage from that small island that is slowly drifting further and further away from us.

Anyway, enough sentiment, keep a stiff upper lip, this video shows you a lot of good skating so watch it.

“If you’re not a Manc you’re Wanc!” The reason why must be that it is one of the more important historic cities in Europe and a hub for some of the best music ever to be made!

Of course, London is cool too but just for today, we don’t want to talk about southerners.


Seb Batty, Ricky Davidson, Jay Stone, Lewis Threadgold, Zach Riley, Daryl Horner, Josh Bentley, Sam Parker, Tylar McCaffrey, Max Dos Santos and Nathan Starr.
