He was recently crowned “European Skater of the Year” and probably everybody who likes to skate – and also watch good video parts – has witnessed some of the outstanding skills of Madars Apse. He’s a guy representing a special face of Europe, not from the UK, France, Spain, or Germany, but from Latvia. Not the usual country to take a step out on the international stage of the skateboarding circus, what do you think? His merits include a pro board on Element, and more-than-decent sponsorships from DC, Red Bull, and GoPro. And also he has his own TV show, and that’s just because he’s a really interesting person to watch even if he’s not riding a skateboard. But skating is what he loves the most and as some of you may know, he’s been traveling across the globe to skate in different locations almost every week.


We’ve been wondering: Where have you been, Madars?

…one second ago?
I’m out in Barcelona right now at the Element flat, sitting outside on the terrace recapping last night’s events with Evan, Nassim, and Dominick.

…one minute ago?
Washed all the dirt off myself in the shower.

…one hour ago?
Had some Café con leche and a tortilla de patatas outside.

…one day ago?
Watched Evan Smith get three gnarly clips yesterday, including an NBD.

…one week ago?
I was in St Jean De Luz in France skating a demo with the DC guys, meeting kids, and having a good old parking lot session with free drinks.

…one month ago?
I was on a trip hitting Latvia-US-Argentina-Brazil-US-Latvia.

…one year ago?
I was chilling at home with a broken knee cap.

…five years ago?
I just began summer holidays in-between my second and third year at University. Had a fun summer with lots of trips.

…ten years ago?
Probably the best time of my life, four years into skateboarding, jumping off the biggest shit and started filming video parts, which would later help me to get on the Element team.

…15 years ago?
I had just tried every sport possible and decided to get myself a skateboard.

…20 years ago?
Began my first grade, I was six years old and enjoyed the country life.

…25 years ago?
I was one year old almost, just learning how to flex my muscles.

by Benni Markstein
Photos: Sergio Alvarez
