Today Favorite Skateboards Co. proudly present their very first full length video “Daggers”, which will be available as a whole for the next 11 days. It was a very huge project for such a fairly young company and I know each and every one of the guys put a lot of effort into it. Fortunately, the hard work paid off and the video delivers both skateboarding on a very high level and a clean cut by Nico Kasterke. It is quite foreseeable that we will hear and see a lot more of Valentin Ott, Daniel Ledermann, Mario Ungerer, Michel Funke and the whole Favorite fellowship in the very near future.

Photos by Leo Preisinger

Valentin_Ott_-_HardflipVallentin Ott – Hardflip

Favorite Skateboard Comany presents DAGGERS_Daniel Ledermann_Kickflip to fakieDaniel Ledermann – Kickflip to Fakie

Favorite Skateboard Comany presents DAGGERS_Mario Ungerer_Sw Bs SmithgrindMario Ungerer – Sw Bs Smith Grind 

Favorite Skateboard Comany presents DAGGERS_Daniel Trautwein_Sw No ComplyDaniel Trautwein – Sw 180 No Comply


