Tag: Billy Trick

With a list of skaters like that, how can Ace Trucks’ “Open Return” video not be a hit & with Lucien Parsons in the editing room this is meant to be a success.

Featuring Atlantic Johnson, Daryl Dominguez, Jarrad Carlin, Alice Smith, Charlie Birch, Chris Pulman, Billy Trick, Harry Lintell, Matlok Bennet Jones, Dead Dave, Mike Arnold, Bear Myles, Henry Gibbs, Jordan Thackery, Jordan Lightowler, Ben Broyd, Jay Lentern, Zach Smith & Amy Ram.

A wonderful piece of work by one of London’s best active filmers in Sirus F. Gahan. It features a cast of interesting cats (pun intended).


Jamie Platt, Ville Wester, Wes Knowler, Billy Trick, Lloyd Clipston, Conor Charleson, Rich West, Sam Murgatroyd, Val Katz, Joe Paget, Mikey Patrick, Matt Keegan, Alfie Williams, Francis Peters, Zach Riley & Matlok Bennett Jones.

At this point it is pretty safe to say that Last Resort AB is here to stay. Loved every second of this, especially Chris Milic’s incredible section. Good job everyone!

Featuring Chris Milic, Jesse Alba, Pontus Alv, Nick Rios, Dane Brady, Aaron Loreth, Ludvig Håkansson, Billy Trick, Jesse Alba & David Stenström.
