Tag: dan wolfe

Probably the most criminally underrated thing you will see all year even if this dropped in the early 00’s. We remember seeing the videotape in our local when we started skating, now we are sad we didn’t buy it because it is truly a masterpiece.

Dan Wolfe is often praised for his early East-Coast work but this really shows the full spectrum of the work he put in and put out in the early 00’s. Most likely you are at home now, working or not make sure to take some time off to watch this. You won’t be disappointed.

Go over to Jenkem Mag for more words & context about this project.

Dan Wolfe just did skateboarding a huge favor, he uploaded all of the parts in EE3 (1996) in 60p. Back in the day this video put a spotlight on the east coast and changed the way people skated. Eastern Exposure might even be the reason why Bill Strobeck edited big chunks of Cherry in black and white. And to this day EE3 is a classic with some truly great skating in it.

Der Pinonier des modernen Streetskateboardings und erster Skater auf einem Handgeländer feiert 15 Jahre adidas Skateboarding. Zelebriert wird das ganze mit einem knapp 12 minütigem Clip, welcher zeigt wieso wir ohne Mark Gonzales nicht auf diesem Level wären. Weitere Fotos von der Austellung in Berlin, könnt ihr hier in unserem 15 Jahre Gonz & adidas Recap finden.
