Charles Deschamps in “Eva” for the good people over at Canada’s Studio Skateboards.
Tag: Daniel Galli
Thaynan Costa in “KILLDEBOSS.”
For those of you who read our Magazine and visit the website for years you might have noticed that we have a soft spot for Thaynan Costa (Cover boy of our Funbox issue). Now, our boy is back with what might be his best part to this day. “KILLDEBOSS.” is a full part filmed in Lisbon/Portugal filmed and edited by Daniel Galli.
Click HERE to watch his Place Part from 2018, filmed in under a week.
New Balance – “Trust Tiago” Video
A SOTY without a trophy that is what we feel Tiago is. And that what his skating has been like for a while now too. Jaw-dropping, hard popping… we could go on with some whack rhymes but you get the message, right? Press play.
Apolo by Hugo Blender
Brazilians have a special place in skateboarding. It’s been tough at times but now in 2020 it has probably been the best it has ever been. If you need to know one thing about Brazilians is that they are passionate, hard-working & most of all humble people. Hugo hit us up asking if we could help him show his friends and included was an immediate invitation to Barcelona and the promise of a good time. Who doesn’t love that? We respect it and truth be told one thing we forgot to mention is that Brazilians are always good for some bangers! So, read more about Hugo and his friends below or press play straight away.
Intro By Roland Hoogwater.
Text & Photos By Hugo Blender.
We came to Barcelona in April 2019 with a big pack of Brazilians… and at the time I didn’t have a camera and we just spent some weeks only skating for fun, enjoying the city.
But once I bought the camera I started to film my friends who normally don’t have an opportunity to film. I wanted to show them and I did. The whole process was really cool and made possible because Daniel Galli helped me buy the camera.

Galli helped me use the camera and he joined in on some of our sessions. Together we went exploring the city looking for some spots.
In the end, for the name, we settled on Apolo because that was the dance club we going to every Thursday and Saturday in Barcelona. All these film sessions if they resulted in tricks ended up with us going there to dance.
So here it is all my friends doing their best just moments before we went dancing again (laughs. Enjoy!

4POR3 vl.34 by Daniel Galli
Our good friend Thaynan Costa just sent us a video from Lisbon by Daniel Galli and featuring Deedz, Wilton Souza, Carlos Iqui & more. Big love to the crew and we can’t wait to come back to Lisbon.