Tag: dolan stearns

Gosha Rubchinskiy & Tolia Titaev’s PACCBET just dropped their first documentary. The film is about a team trip to Southern California in Feb.’17 Featuring: Tolia Titaev, Gleb Bukhgolts, Nikita Dedov, Julian Klincewicz, Alic Cox and Dolan Stearns, and on the camera: Oleg Kulev, Julian Klincewicz, Blake Myers.

“As nine of us touched down in the desert oasis known as Tel Aviv, Israël, little was known of what laid beyond the great gates of Israeli customs. Over 10 days our humus powered crew, led by local skate guide Ofer Or would bomb coastal hills from northern points of Haïfa to Tel Aviv where spots flowed as if they were from a bottle of endless Munischewitz on Shabbat.
Lest we forget about the marble plazas of Ashdod… magical. A few found their deepest, most spiritual selves in the ally’s of Jerusalem’s old city. Sprawling across the tomb of Jesus, only to be lost again the following day in the blazing banks of the Dead Sea and through the desert to Eilat.
Enjoy our 4-wheeled pilgrimage into the Holy Land!”Lee Berman

Featuring Mike Anderson, Louie Lopez, Brian Delatorre, Al Davis, Dolan Stearns and Aaron Herrington.

Every now and then, you hear a name that for some reason gets stuck in your head. Either it’s because you really like what the person is doing, or simply because you like the sound of the name. Cameron Strand is a very pleasant and easy-to-pronounce name and we also really like what he’s doing. And while it’s always difficult for us to feature American photographers with photographs of American skaters on American spots – we’ll make an exception for Cameron Strand. With this portfolio we want to invite you guys to sit back and enjoy the sunshine in these photos, and get your essential amount of Vitamin D for your health.

Victor Garibay_fs board_STRAND
Victor Garibay – FS Boardslide

Ben Fisher_bs flip_STRAND
Ben Fisher – BS Flip

Austin Zito_hurricane_STRAND
Austin Zito – Hurricane


Brad Cromer_push_STRAND
Brad Cromer

Bobby Worrest

Mason Silva_vheel_STRAND
Mason Silva – Varial Heel

by Daniel Pannemann

Brixton liefert deine neue Garderobe für den kommenden Frühling 2015. T-Shirts, Hoodies, Jacken und Kopfbedeckungen in allen erdenklichen Formen und Funktionsbereichen. Selbst der Neue im Team zeigt sich schon in der Klamotte seines aktuellen Brötchengebers – Kenny Anderson approved!







Die Kollektion in bewegten Bildern und in einer Garage:

Den Start macht die TPDG Crew um Felix Lensing, Danny Sommerfeld und Ben Wessler, die die letzten warmen Nächte genutzt haben, um Hamburgs Strassen unsicher zu machen.

Die Spitfire Crew zieht weiter durch Hamburg und Rotterdam. Chris Pfanner, Grant Taylor, Peter Ramondetta, Kyle Walker und weitere Shredder lassen wie immer nichts anbrennen.

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Red Bull hat Sewa Kroetkrov einen Tag begleitet und natürlich macht man da gerne Frontside Flips über Boote oder Nosewheelies auf seinem Trickbuch. Hä? Neugierig geworden? Dann guck den Clip, sehr stylish.

Wer zum Teufel ist denn Dolan Stearns jetzt schon wieder? Eigentlich egal, aber sein Theeve Trucks Clip macht Bock auf mehr. I swear to God!
