The title could not be any better. How could we forget about Madars Apse? Did we actually? This arguably contains his best work to this day & it comes with a lot of surprises. If you ask yourself what he has been up to lately & besides all the skating (also incl. skating) WATCH THIS. Give him the flowers, while you still can.
Tag: red bull
Vans Park Series Paris – Photo Recap
Our recap of our time on the course of the Vans Park Series in Chelles is decidedly different from the ones we did in Montréal. We went from ESPN highlight shots to almost crawling inside Greyson Fletcher’s beard to look for crumbs and other things. If you loved the contest, saw the tricks on our socials this is the “through the rabbit hole” view you need to complete this Vans voyage voyage.
Pretty good parenting if you ask us!
For more VPS coverage click here.
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld
Words by Roland Hoogwater
See Him Rolling – Alex Mizurov
It has been a while, but Alex Mizurov is back. We asked the guy who made himself an international name ten years ago by defeating Chris Cole in one of the most reminded Games of S.K.A.T.E. ever, how he himself sees his new part and his development in the last couple years:
“I would not really say that I got either better or worse. I think I definitely developed in the sense that my skating became more fluid. And, of course, I used to wear more baggy pants and larger shirts back then, today I like it rather plain.”
Photos by Florian Hopfensperger
In Search of the Blu Enigma
Red Bull sent out some riders to search and find the mysterious Blu Enigma, a secret bowl hidden on one of Greek’s Islands. Watch Join Brad McClain, Alex Hallford, Chris Haslam, Keith Walsh and Jorge Simões on a special expedition riding unseen tarrain.
Felipe Gustavo – Raw Footy
Brazilian ledge magician Felipe Gustavo does not need any music to amaze with his clean and flawless style.
Where have you been, Vladik Scholz?
If you’ve been following Vladik Scholz recently, you know that the Titus and Red Bull team rider travels quite a lot. China, Estonia, Los Angeles… it’s all a blur of new places and progressive skateboarding for the resident of Cologne, Germany. Catching up with some of this global player’s latest moves.
Where have you been…
…one second ago?
I’m at the Düsseldorf airport right now and waiting for my flight to Zurich. My parents are living not far from there and I want to visit them.
…one minute ago?
I was still waiting.
…one hour ago?
I was on the train from Cologne to Düsseldorf airport.
…one day ago?
I was chilling in my bed watching the Hannibal series on Netflix. It was rainy and grey outside, so I thought it was the best thing I could do at the moment.
…one week ago?
At this time of day, I had an appointment with my dentist. I had to pick up a small kind of plastic guard for the bottom row of my teeth. I’m apparently crunching with my teeth at night and they get used a bit too fast. So it is a preventative measure.
…one month ago?
I was on the way from my parents’ to Cologne on a train. I stayed home for a day and went to Berlin for almost two weeks to visit the Bright trade show. I stayed at my girlfriend‘s house and filmed for my Titus part.
…one year ago?
Last year was really varied for me. I never travelled so much before. During this time I was in Cologne with a cast on my left arm. I broke it during the filming for the RedBull “Coastal Business“ project in New York and had to fly back for surgery. That was a bummer.
…five years ago?
In 2010 I was already living in Cologne. I moved there from Bielefeld and since then it has been my favorite city in Germany and my home town. 2010 was a crazy year for me and my friend Louis Taubert. We moved to Cologne at the same time. We were young and abused our bodies partying most of the week. It was a crazy, but necessary and fun time in my life.
…ten years ago?
I lived in Bielefeld with my mom. Two years had already passed after we moved from Belarus to Germany. I had summer holidays during school time and couldn’t imagine to do something else than skateboarding and learning new words so I would be able to talk to the Germans.
…15 years ago?
I lived with my mother and grandmother in Novopolotsk, Belarus and had summer holidays till the 1st of September. For the majority of the day I was outside playing around and having some adventures. We went to some lakes and forests in the area and were just having a good summer time with my friends.
…20 years ago?
I was 6 years old and was waiting to be able to go to school, but I had to wait one more year. So I went to preschool and had an everyday life of the regular young boy in Belarus with a lovely mom and grandma.
…25 years ago?
At this time I was almost two years old. I had a good childhood. So probably I was doing well at that moment and playing with my toys.
by Benni Markstein
Photos: Dennis Scholz
All good things come to an end – so does Red Bull’s “Silky Way” adventure – unfortunately. In the final episode of the series, you can expect excellent skateboarding by Daniel Pannemann, Taylor Nawrocki, Barney Page, Vladik Scholz, James Capps and Tim McMeel in Kashgar, an ancient city, that is as much Muslim as it is Chinese – interesting mix of culture. Here we go:
Missed what’s happened up to now? Click here:
The Silky Way Episode 3
The adventure continues: The next destination of the trip along the silky way is the geographic central point of Asia, Ürümqi – this ancient city is where you really start to see the difference between Western China and traditional China. More Islamic influence and culture mixed in with Chinese culture, from the buildings to the food and the people. Daniel Pannemann, Taylor Nawrocki, Barney Page, Vladik Scholz, James Capps, Patrik Wallner, Tommy Zhao and Tim McMeel had a good one!
Check back next week to see the final episode of The Silky Way.
The Silky Way Episode 2
Ready for round two of Red Bull Skateboarding’s “The Silky Way”? Daniel Pannemann, Taylor Nawrocki, Barney Page, Vladik Scholz, James Capps, Tim McMeel, Patrik Wallner and Tommy Zhao left Shanghai via train and ended up in the ancient city of Xi’an – the home of the famous terracotta warriors… Action speaks louder than words – enjoy these 7 minutes!
Click here to watch chapter one and check back next week to watch the third episode!
The Silky Way Episode 1
Today marks the start of Red Bull Skateboardings new video series dubbed “The Silky Way”. Four episodes will be released during the next few weeks – so make sure to check back from time to time – this documentary styled series by Patrik Wallner is something you don’t want to miss.
Follow Daniel Panneman, Taylor Nawrocki, Barney Page, Vladik Scholz, James Capps, Tim McMeel, Tommy Zhao and Mike O’Meally on their trip along the former silk road in China!
Here is the first chapter:
Photos: Mike O’Meally
The Silky Way Teaser
Remember our “Silk Road” article from a few issues back? There’s good news as Red Bull Skateboarding is about to release the full edit of this tour beginning next week! Follow Barney Page, Vladik Scholz, Taylor Nawrocki, Tim McMeel, James Capps and Daniel Pannemann to explore deep into China’s history, as well as unearthing some of the most remote and untouched spots seen in a long time. Here’s the trailer:
Check back on Thursday, July 30 to watch the first of four episodes of The Silky Way!
Photostory: Kirill Korobkov in Madagaskar
Hi Kirill, for the guys, who don’t know you yet – please introduce yourself:
“Hi, my name is Kirill, I’m 29 years old, been skating for around 15 years. I got kind of a weird role in Patrik’s crew – I always skate on those trips but i’ve never been good enough to get tricks for the video. We know each other since his first big project “10,000 kilomoteres” that we did around 2008. First I was just a tour guide, then we became friends and he kept inviting me for his trips, I usually help Patrik with organization and coordination. I do texts for different Russian and European skate magazines and websites. I shoot with old point and shoot film cameras. For Madagascar I used my automatic Minolta AFZ for personal memories. My main job is sales manager and team manager at Russian board brand Absurd skateboards. That’s it – enjoy the photos”
Patrik Wallner has been all over the Eurasia during the last few years. Since Eurasia has been his main point of interest he barely visited anything outside of this continent. I think Madagascar was his second big project filmed somewhere else (Cuba was the first one). Since I’ve been on many of his Eurasian trips I was really excited to go somewhere new for both of us, so I didn’t think twice when he offered me to join them for this one. I took this portrait of Patrik when he was in search for lemurs, in a literal way. It took us around two hours to find those funny little animals.
Madagascar capital Antananarivo was the starting point of the trip. The night before I took the flight I had read crazy stories about crime and robbery over there. Honestly I was little scared to go there. Glad we managed to avoid any serious problems there. I am sure you can find serious troubles in that city but during day time it’s not that bad at all. We didn’t have any kind of security and cruised all around the city. The general reaction of the people was positive and there were happy to see tourists in their country. Some contrasts of Antananarivo were quite shocking and life conditions especially in poor neighborhoods looked really harsh. It was nice to witness that people don’t about smiles and happiness no matter how hard they live over there. When our societies are spoiled with IPhones and modern trends kids over there can still have fun just with an old metal can fixed to the stick.
We met this boy with tangerines a few times while skating Antananarivo – I am sure Brian Dolle was his best customer of that week. It was all about bargaining between them during their tangerine deals. Brian definitely knew the fair price for tangerines by the end of the trip.
After a few days in the capital, we took a flight to Morondova on the west coast of the Madagascar Island. It couldn’t be more of a paradise than the way we stayed: Our bungalows were right by the ocean. There were pretty much no other people around besides a few locals busy with fishing and daily routine. Good times!
The Avenue of Baobabs was the main reason we went to Morondava. The place was surreal: When we saw it in morning fog on the sunrise it looked like something from a different planet. I guess it’s one of the most special locations you can visit, it’s almost hard to believe that we were there.
We got to meet local tribe people by the baobabs. I think it was great experience for both sides. They discovered skateboarding and pushed on our boards and we checked out their lifestyle and daily routine that looked like something you usually see in geographic movies on TV. We hung out together for couple hours.
Somehow we ended up coming to Morondova right for the biggest beach party of the year. The local DJ invited us during the lunch to come back later and we couldn’t resist to do so. Pretty much the whole city was there dancing, drinking and having fun. Look how happy Barney Page and his new friends looked like. We even went for and afterparty to a local club and danced barefoot.
This might be my favorite shot of the trip. I like that mom who has her baby on her back but dance and drink beer at the same time. I started dancing with her and I felt like her friends were so stoked that they even wanted to marry us after the dance. Maybe it was just my misunderstanding…
This was my first trip with Wilko and unfortunately the last one too. I had heard about him from Patrik and Danny before and was looking forward to travel with him. He brought this metal musical instrument with him and the moment when he played it for the tribe people under the baobab was one of the highlights of the trip. With his music it was almost like a meditation session for all of us. I could feel that Wilko was a bit in his own world all the time but people like him definitely do our big world interesting. I am glad I got to know him. R.I.P
Skateboarding is fun – no matter where you do it and how you do it. Keep pushing.
Der zweite Teil von Patrick Wallners “Melodies for the Lemurs” Doku ist online. Madagaskar hat scheinbar alles andere als viele fahrbare Spots zu bieten, dafür viel Gastfreundschaft und Begeisterung – die einheimischen Kids jedenfalls waren bei jedem geschafften Trick völlig aus dem Häuschen. Strahlende Gesichter sind mehr Wert als der nächste Banger. Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins, Wilko Grüning, Brian Dolle und Gosha Konyshev haben sich jedenfalls richtig Mühe gegeben und das Beste aus den “Spots” herausgeholt – seht selbst:
Wer den ersten Teil verpasst hat, kann ihn sich hier noch einmal angucken!
Melodies for the Lemurs – Skateboarding in Madagaskar
Nach Madagaskar zu reisen um dort Skateboard zu fahren, klingt nach einem ziemlich aberwitzigen Plan. Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins, Wilko Grüning, Brian Dolle und Gosha Konyshev haben sich darauf eingelassen und der afrikanischen Insel Ende letzten Jahres einen Besuch abgestattet. Patrik Wallner war ebenfalls mit von der Partie und hat das ganze Spektakel in gewohnt schönen Bildern dokumentiert:
Descending Bilbao
Bilbao. Die Stadt an der Nordküste Spaniens erinnert in vielen Punkten an San Francisco: Unendlich viele Downhills und versteckte Spots en Masse. In den späten Neunzigern wurde Bilbao einer groß angelegten Renovierungsaktion unterzogen – so erklärt sich auch der auffällige Mix aus zeitgenössischer und klassischer Architektur, die sich hervorragend zum skaten eignet. Axel Cruysberghs, Lem Villemin, Cooper Wilt, Emmanuel Guzman und Philipp Schuster haben die Stadt gemeinsam mit Fimemacher Brian Lotti erkundet, der diesen wunderschön atmospärischen Clip zusammengeschnitten hat:
Joey Brezinski x Vossen Wheels
Nein, bevor Fragen aufkommen – Joey Brezinski hat seinen Rollensponsor nicht gewechselt und ist weiterhin für Autobahn Wheels unterwegs, womit wir auch schon fast beim Thema wären. In diesem Clip von Vossen Wheels geht es um die hochpreisigen Felgen, die seinen Audi A7 schmücken und und auch das ein oder andere Mal zu sehen sind. Ansonsten zeigt Joey gewohnt verrückte Wheelie Kombinationen und auch sein Cliché Teamkollege Daniel Espinoza hat einen Gastauftritt. Nun denn:
Children of the Sun Pt.3 – Ende Der Trilogie
Die Red Bull Doku “Children of the Sun” kommt nun zum Ende der Trilogie: Nachdem die gesamte Crew um Brian Delatorre, Aidan Campbell, Charles Collet, Manu Etchegoyen, Tjark Thielker und Maxim Kruglov einmal quer durchs Land zog und sich an den beeindruckenden Landschaften des Südens erfreuen durfte, zwang das begrenzte Angebot an skatebarem Terrain die Bande wieder zurück in die Hauptstadt Bishkek, um den Spot-Durst der vergangenen Tage zu löschen.
Kirgistan Gallery by Kévin Métallier
Passend zur “Children of the Sun” Doku, deren ersten Teil wir euch letzte Tage schon hier gezeigt haben, gibt es heute eine Auswahl an Bildern zu sehen, die der ewige Weltenbummler Kévin Métallier von Brian Delatorre, Tjark Thielker, Charles Collet und Maxim Kruglov geschossen hat. Viel Vergnügen:
Brian Delatorre – BS Smithgrind
Charles Collet – Kickflip FS Boardslide
Der zweite Teil von “Children of the Sun” geht übrigens am Donnerstag online – stay tuned.
Valentin Ott – Full Part
Mittlerweile ist Valentin Ott alles andere als unbekannt in der deutschen Skateszene und wer ihn schon einmal dabei beobachten konnte, wie er einen simplen Kickflip aussehen lässt, hat ihn sowieso voll auf dem Schirm. Er hat den besonderen Flick gemischt mit dem nötigen Pop und lässt liebend gerne sein Skateboarding für sich sprechen. Für den folgenden Part via Red Bull hat Valle sich nicht öfter als zehnmal mit Sebi Vellrath zum Filmen verabreden müssen, um diesen 2-minütigen Part auf die Beine zu stellen. Mit dabei sind außerdem die Freunde Michel Funke und Farid Ulrich.
Foto: Preisinger
Felix Löchel hatten wir vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit schon einmal bei uns auf der Seite – damals waren wir glücklicherweise über seinen Clip “CLIFF” gestolpert, der schon sehr vielversprechend aussah. Für Red Bull hat Felix jetzt ein Videofolio zusammengeschnitten, das sich ebenfalls mehr als sehen lassen kann. Mit dabei sind unter anderem: Helder Lima, Sandro Trovato, Markus Blessing, Patrick Zentgraf und Phil Anderson – So hast du Stuttgart noch nie gesehen: