When we talk about people deserving things we can often be lead by our emotions. His last part was crazy, he has been going viral on Instagram, he is so sick he should be pro, this guy is super stylish why doesn’t he have a pro model shoe?
But what constitutes being worthy to receive a pro shoe? Many legends have one like AVE or Steve Cab, SOTY Kyle Walker has one and Gilbert Crockett has one with very creative 1940’s sport-fashion inspired colors. It is not really that defined why or when one is ready to ascend but in our humble opinion Rowan has done more than enough to get his signature style.
To celebrate the occasion Vans said, “Build it and they will come!” so Opperclaes did as commanded. And as was said, they did come and shredded R.O.W.A.N. for a day.

All in all, a really cool idea done really well. The atmosphere was great, the music was alive and the session was eventful! Now press play and let R.O.W.A.N. show you what he’s got.
Marc Haan
Robbin de Wit
Bert Roeterdink
Tim Zom
Arthur Bultynck
Remco Stolze
Pablo de la Place
Tor van Eysendeyk
Finn Mostert
Sebastiaan Vijverberg
Tjerk Oosting
Peter Buikema
Special thanks to Jan Maarten Sneep for the video, Ziggy Schaap for the photos & Vans Off The Wall for the support.