Tag: gx 1000

The GX1000 crew went to Paris and Stuttgart this Sumer and they have named the edit “jagen” which is german for “to chase or hunt”, in case you were wondering about the name.

Featuring: Nile Gibbs, Sean Greene, Jeff Carlyle, Zack Krull, Matt Finley, Robby Bootes, Sheehan Kneeland, Elvis Merkelbach and Willow Voges Fernandes. Looks like someone found himself a new board sponsor.

The Far East Skate Network and Crosspoint collaborated on this video project.
The video itself shows us who don’t get the chance to go out there to get a glimpse behind the scenes of a modern day disaster. The land of the rising sun has been getting more and more coverage in recent years, which has brought an influx of new esthetics and ideas that have a very special feel to it.

Die Dudes von GX1000 haben auf ihrer Europareise nicht nur London besucht, sondern auch noch Barcelona mitgenommen. Die typischen Barca-Spots wurden größtenteils weggelassen und stattdessen durch etwas unbekanntere Spots ersetzt. Ein Barcelona Clip der etwas anderen Art…
