Tag: Hunter O’shea

We are not going to lie, we LOVE!!! John Motta footage and his AHM1 part is his best part.

We could actually write a full essay about why we love John BUT… we already did that a while ago! Read our “Love Letter” to John Motta by clicking HERE but press play on the video above first to get inspired!

This is not just a post featuring John Motta, it is also part three of the new “A Happy Medium 4” series and it is our favorite part so far.

before we get into Motta’s part we have to tell you that both John Rob Moore’s part and the airplane graveyard section are absolutely packed with great stuff! Watch that and you will slowly get to our favorite part so far.

It is no secret that “We love John Motta’s skating“, from early on he showed us new ways to maneuver our board. Here are three reasons that make John’s “A Happy Medium 4” part a must watch.

Number 1: Even though it was a great concept we are glad he has finally come out of the tunnels.

Number 2: He is skating to a song by the same band he skated to in “A Happy Medium”

Number 3: He still is able to bring new tricks to the table.
