Tag: Low Flying Birds

This is always a weird post to make because this is a project near and dear to ourselves. It is easy to write praising words about other people because you see the effort in a more objective way. Being humble is a part of northern culture, from Scandinavia down to the Netherlands and Germany, it is considered “not done” to put yourself on a pedestal. On the other side, we have to rate and appropriately respect the work that was put in to make a video & article like this succeed.

To not post it would be a little bit like saying we don’t support and stand behind the projects we work on, which would not be true. And with people like Tjark Thielker, Malte Spitz, Joel Peck, and Nils Brauer involved it would be a travesty not to use our platform for maximum exposure.

So here it is, Fools Gold, part 2 of the Low Flying Birds series. Enjoy it!

To be honest, when somebody asks you who your favorite skater is you always think about the pro’s. In my case, Brian Anderson would be the most likely answer you would get back.

But if we are really are being honest, your friends are your favorite skaters, the difference being that you don’t get the joy of waiting for their parts because you are out on those missions getting some awkward BGP’s, guest tricks and hugs in for the edit. Right?

After the Lynchian man in white passes Nils catches a flash and put together this backside lipslide shove-it.

Well, when we caught wind that my friends Nils & Daniel started working on this project together, I said:

“Don’t tell me any tricks you did, and don’t ask me to come along for the filming missions.”

Roland Hoogwater, early 2019.
The nickname “The Mule” belongs to a famous pro skater but at times it sure fits Mr. Brauer.

I wanted to have the joy of watching my favorite skaters part exactly when it dropped. And so it happened*, they went out to Hannover, Budapest, Croatia, Lissabon, Potsdam & Israel and made this project a reality and I stayed at my post and did my own thing patiently waiting until today.

When all of a sudden I got a message…rushed over to Free’s website and did like you are about to…Press play! And after that simply wait 2 more years for part 2 to show up.

Remember that Killa Cam’ron song “U’ WASN’T THERE”? Well we actually were here and this is pretty fucking hard.

All photos by Biemer.

Text by Roland Hoogwater.

*I actually cheated the one rule and got some guest tricks.
