If Evan Wasser is becoming S.O.T.Y. because of this, we wouldn’t mind it at all. Miles ahead, as always! Evan for Frog Skateboards.
Tag: Marky Numbers
Justin Bohl came out with a new full lengths to properly document Detroit’s skateboarding scene. That city as a very special look and a great history.
Featuring Brennan Richman, Marky Numbers Francois Decomble Justin & Jason Wallace, Adam Mueller, Garrett Blair, Mike Krok, Austin Walsh and the list goes on.
Marky goes to Europe
Welcome Skateboards very own Marky Numbers hat seine gesamten Sommerferien in Europa verbracht. Ob in Paris, Kopenhagen, Berlin oder Madrid, Marky konnte kassieren, und ingesamt hat es dann sogar für eine 2:32Min. lange Videobotschaft reichen können.