Tag: Nizan Kasper

Who would have ever thought a remix of “My Humps” makes a great fit in a skate video!?

Jesus! These guys are having a run at the moment. Hamburg is back again with Nizan Kasper, Niklas Speer, Benny Vogel, Noah Moerbeck, Lars Zimmermann and special guest Felipe Bartolome, hitting the flawless streets of Paris.

We told you before that our friends from the Lobby Skateshop had something cooking for the end of the year. Now it is time for you to see what Lobby is all about. Germany’s second biggest city always dealt with some kind of an underdog position, a situation that makes it even harder to shine. The city is mad underrated and we would suggest you take a visit with your friends, go to Lobby and say what’s up. To get you motivated for your spring trip to Hamburg you should now enjoy their very first promo video.

Feat.: Benny Vogel, Nizan Kasper, Lars White, Dennis Behrens, Christoph Reinhardt, Danny Stephen, Anton Wempner, Kenny Hopf, Noah Moerbeck and Christoph Friedmann.

Edit: Nizan Kasper
Filming: Nizan Kasper & Lars Zimmermann

For us, it is very refreshing to watch a video part from a guy that we never even heard of. Also refreshing is, that, in this case, you are really not even sure if he is going to land the trick or what is going to happen next. That is what we sometimes call the Jake Johnson effect, as stupid as it sounds. Wiggly legs and a crazy board control combined with a strong will and eyes of steel can make a good skater, that is for sure. Shout out to Stanley-WE, Nizan Kasper and Lars White!
