Tag: Ryan Garshell

The GX1000 crew went to Paris and Stuttgart this Sumer and they have named the edit “jagen” which is german for “to chase or hunt”, in case you were wondering about the name.

Featuring: Nile Gibbs, Sean Greene, Jeff Carlyle, Zack Krull, Matt Finley, Robby Bootes, Sheehan Kneeland, Elvis Merkelbach and Willow Voges Fernandes. Looks like someone found himself a new board sponsor.

Part of the GX1000 posse left the steep hills of San Francisco, California, to charge through the deep ditches of Las Vegas, Nevada. As usual, Sean Greene gives a hundred percent and just laughs off a slam which could have gone really bad.

It might be a good time to go back and rewatch “Roll Up”.