Vans Skateboarding just released a new European-based video called “Much Quiet” via our friends over at Free and we highly recommend you to watch it. The almost thirty(!) minutes long edit is definitely worth the watch. Sirus F. Gahan did an amazing job filming and editing this one! We were especially hyped about the Helena Long opener part. She has an interview about the video HERE.
Tag: Alexey Krasniy
Carhartt WIP’s “INSIDE OUT” Video
Carhartt WIP just came out with a brilliant full lenght video titled “INSIDE OUT”. We went to see it on the Berlin premiere and it was even better to watch this film by Romain Batard and Joaquim Bayle on the big screen. It’s a bit early to say but this might be one of the best videos of 2022. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Watch Felipe Bartolomé, Ebou Sanyang, Tolia Titaev, Sylvain Tognelli, Joseph Biais, Max Palmer, Rémy Taveira and many more give their best.
“Nice To See You” A Vans Video
A very strong new Vans video, starting it all off with a full Nick Michel part followed by a Ronnie Sandoval street section, an incredible Dustin Henry part and the list goes on and on. This video is a must watch!
Featuring Adelaide Norris, Alexey Krasniy, Breana Geering, Chima Ferguson, Daiki Hoshino, Diego Todd, Digby Luxton, Dustin Henry, Etienne Gagne, Nick Michel, Notis Aggelis, Pedro Delfino, Rio Morishige, Ronnie Sandoval, Shogo Zama, Simon Zuzic, Una Farrar & Wang Guohua.
Vans Europe Presents “Karelia”
Another strong edit from Russia by Dmitry Kononov. You might wonder what “Karelia” could be meaning? Well, say no more:
“Karelia, the geographical area of North-West Russia – or as some call it, the ‘Scandinavia of Russia’ – is on the Finish border and is renowned for its forests, lakes, swamps, rivers and fresh summers. But how good is it for skateboarding?
Vans Russia’s Eugene Nikolaev was born in Karelia and this is where he started skateboarding. His plan to visit his hometown with the team fell perfectly during the moment the pandemic closed all the borders and international traveling became mission impossible. Thanks to decent weather, endless daylight and proper tour guiding, a week-long expedition up north with 20+ people resulted in an unforgettable experience and a solid tour clip.
Rough spots of Petrozavodsk and Kondopoga that had been shaped by Soviet architectural traditions and harsh winters provided a unique terrain for improvisation on skateboards. Vans Russia’s main team mixed with national flow riders and legends helped turn this edit into one for the books. Eugene Nikolaev showed us Karelia and now we want to show it to the rest of the world.”

“ОРЕНБУРГ НАШ” by Dima Kononov
Alexey Krasniy, Alexey Meleshko, Dima Shatalov, Jenya Nikolaev, Roma Ivanov and Denis Yuzefovich in a film by Dima Kononov.
Vans Europe: Kingdom For A Cooler
Gotta love the Vans Europe team for their ability to go for it in any and every situation or spot. We don’t want to spoil the trick but we were really stoked to see Dustin Dollin with a great ender trick in this!
On a side note Pfanner is like a very fine wine isn’t he.
Vans Europe – “Tom’s Tales”
This is the big one from Vans’ European division. So sit down crack a brewski and enjoy!
Russia’s Dura Skateboards touring Belarus featuring: Markel Andronov, Stas Provotorov, Dima Shatalov, Alexey Krasniy & Mitya Neplokhov. A very nice mix of videography by Pasha Kryukov and still photography by Stas Provotorov. Always a pleasure so see these guys doing it! You can find the photo-story in FREE Skateboard Magazine.