Tag: benny maglinao

Limosine gave Aaron Loreth two well-deserved pro-boards and blessed us with this 2-minute part. We love that Aaron still films tricks at the barrier spot and the wallride. Check his boards HERE.

Video by Benny Maglinao.

We often talk about the lost art of a good slam section in our office and guess what… we weren’t alone in our love for high-quality slams. Diego Todd was already one of our faves to watch, and this video, combined with his board dropping, has further solidified that!

Hockey is putting out a lot for us to feast on in 2018. From Hockey III to the Nike SB Killshot video and now these two videos. Ben and Andrew both seem to be putting in work so to promote both the company and their pro-product.

Anyway, with this much output, it makes you wonder when the next FA video will drop. Hopefully sooner rather than later but for now enjoy these two people doing their thing.

On the Nike SB youtube, the video had this text underneath it.

“It was a 7-day trip. Skaters were Donovon Piscopo, John Fitzgerald, Caleb Barnett and Diego Todd. Benny Maglinao filmed and Jared Sherbert was there to TM and handle extra angles. We met in Ventura, skated some spots there, made a quick stop in Santa Maria before heading to Santa Cruz. Hit heavy rains in Santa Cruz so we bounced straight to Sac. Skated there for a couple of days and then went to SF. Had a couple good days in SF and on the way back tried to hit Santa Cruz, but pretty much got rained out there again. Skated Derby in the drizzle for a little bit then headed home.” – Ben Colen

We don’t know about you but if this is the result of a 7 day rained out trip than we wonder what would have happened when the sun was out. Another great job by Benny Maglinao and the Hockey team!
