Tag: favorite skateboards

We first saw this new edit during the SKTWK video night, and afterwards, the owner came up to us and thanked us. He had read our “reviews” of their other projects Street Patrol and Jockey Club and wanted us to know how he felt about things.

We gladly accepted his kind words and stayed a bit longer for a beer and a chat and another beer, at the end of night one thing had been decided “Tripping” should be released on our platform. All (slightly tipsy) parties were very happy with this result, we shook on it and the end result is this post.

Daniel Ledermann, doing what he does best.
Daniel Ledermann, doing what he does best.

Now finally let’s talk a bit about the video itself, first off, it starts with another back to back situation (Favorite™ ). Michel Funke and Daniel Ledermann hit you over the head with some big stair manoeuvres while a new face plays a BGP type of role. Keep that young face in the back of your mind because that is the person closing of the video with his “welcome part”.

Getting a welcome part means you are the “new kid” and being the new kid is not always an easy role. Many of these “kids” need a moment to adjust, all of a sudden you are not with your local crew, you are with a new group of people that all know each other and have been skating together for a while, what is your place in this group?

Ike Fromme - Backside Smith Grind.
Ike Fromme – Backside Smith Grind.

On the other end of the spectrum, what does the team think of you? What do you bring to the table that wasn’t there before? Well, hopefully, Ike brings with him a youthful energy, a type of energy that pulls the whole team up by their bootstraps and keeps them on their course.

Mr Fromme also brings a cool and at times very original bag of tricks with him, he also knows how to put together things so that they flow well. Add to that the air of confidence of a young rapper and you basically have what Ike is bringing to the table.

Now enough talk, now press play and watch the new and improved Favorite Skateboard team in “Tripping” enjoy!


Text by Roland Hoogwater.
Photos by Michael Heindl.


Joscha Aicher at his best skates like a weird caucasian version of Vincent Alvarez and that is a good thing, so for Favorite Skateboards to add him to the team is a smart move.

Now we did not forget there are other people in this video, people like Valentin Ott and notably Daniel Ledermann. The latter seems to be fighting for the title of German Hammer King but since Willow is still undisputed at the moment we might just have to go with German Hammer Prince until he chooses to step down.

We proudly present the first part of Favorite Skateboard’s first full length called “Daggers”. Berlin’s Valentin Ott is one of those type of skateboarders that don’t use social media, that still own a dumbphone and rather stay away from the spotlight and therefore erroneously are very much underrated. A fact that might change for Valle with this full part!

Michi Heindl fährt nun offiziell für Favorite Skateboards und beweist sein Können mit einem satten Full Part. Viel Pop, technsiche Raffinessen und Kreativität zeichnen Michi aus, der auch schon die ein oder andere Appearance bei uns im Heft aufweisen kann. Hat er gut gemacht.
