Tag: Jens Ugland

We’ve always been big fans of Frederick Schneider’s work behind the lens—and Oslo skateboarding never disappoints. When those two elements come together, and some of our favorite Norwegian skaters pop up, you know it’s something special. Check it out!

Patrick Riberg and Mons Bøhmer Rud have been on one recently! Norway as a whole is still at the top of the EU skate talent pool and this Taiwan edit by the talented Wietse Thomas only supports those claims.

Wietse Thomas from Oslo, Norway send us his new video and already teased us that he has a bigger project coming out later this spring so this one could be seen as some sort of appetizer. It made us look forward to watching the next one!

Featuring Sivert Øveras, Jens Ugland, Mons Bøhmer, Patrick Riberg, Ruben Soon, and more.

Another Martin Strøm work of art. At this moment this group of people is debatably the most interesting crew in Oslo.

You have to give it up to Martin Strøm he has certainly emerged this year as one of the hardest working filmers out there. Putting out his third video this year.

Also always good to see Marcus Vik in there if you like his footage go back and watch his place part here.

Insert reference to Transworld’s In Bloom video and you have something like the Olso version of that here. Young up and comers taking over the scene with volume and quality!

That first song we only knew in another language which is worth checking out. Truth be told Martin and his friends laid it down in Oslo during “Lockdown”?


Øyvind Svensen, Sivert Øveraas, Kevin Bækkel, Jens Ugland, Elias Teinum, Ruben Soon, Vi Duc Truong, Thomas Thorkildsen, Gard Hvaara, Marcus Shaw, Martin Dammen, Jonatan Drab, Michael Sommer, Marcus Vik, Patrick Riberg, Dan Stene & Eirik Refsnes.

A new video from Oslo by Martin Stuve Strom. The North never disappoints.

Feat.: Øyvind Svensen, Sivert Øveraas, Alek Oestreng, Jens Ugland, Kevin Bækkel, Martin Dammen, Marcus Shaw, Gard Hvaara, Magnus Bordewick, Jacob Elveli, Jared Cleland, Gabriel Bjørsvik, Vi Duc Truong & Ruben Soon.
