Tag: Justin Henry

The New Balance Numeric Team in Chicago filmed & edited by Kyle Camarillo. Quality over quantity!

Featuring Andrew Reynolds, Justin Henry, Ryan Lay, Jordan Trahan, Charlie Birch & Marcello Campanello.

Our good friends from Quarternsnacks went to Mallorca for absolutely nothing but this wonderfull edit by Johnathan Fletchas and Emilio Cuilan.

Featuring Nick Michel, Justin Henry, Etienne Gagne, Diego Todd, Ben Blundell & Danny Brady.

Quasi Skateboards just released a full length video that goes by the name of “GRAND PRAIRIE” and it features Dane Barker, Dick Rizzo, Jake Johnson, Gilbert Crockett, Bobby De Keyzer, Tyler Bledsoe, Josh Wilson, the Foundation team and Justin Henry, who has just turned pro for the American board brand.
