Tag: norman wirtz

It has been two years since we have seen the introduction of the SLEEP-OVER brand with their first video. Since then a lot has changed, from the crew to the clothes and the vibe in general. Were the first video was sexy, to say the least, this one is strictly about the skating or as the founder Fatos Veseli said “I wanted this one to be for the skaters, the people that backed the brand”.

IN 2020 Fatos has taken the reigns and has pulled the brand closer to his own person. “At the start, I was wearing hoody’s, T-shirts and tighter pants but I was dreaming of the South of France. Driving along the coast in a cabriolet car. We needed and wanted to make those clothes to connect to our base but I wanted to evolve and project the brand to where I feel I want to be. Now we have gotten to a place where the designs and the cuts are our own. That means a lot.”

There is no denying that this brand is being propelled forward by hard work and love for what SLEEP-OVER means to the people working on it. Pascal Kurth & Gabriel Dimming worked on the video up to the moment the beamer projected the light onto the silver screen. “They have been the motor behind this video, not me. I want them to have their day in the sun, to shine for a moment, because they put it all into the video.” Fatos told me.

For people that have seen the brand grow, it has been quite the journey, but for the people in the know, it hasn’t been a surprise that the changes have worked. Their newest collection is being worn by both men and women alike. So cheers, to SLEEP-OVER and the hard work behind it, because that is the foundation of any successful brand.

Watch their first 2018 called COLOGNE here.

The city of Trier has probably one of the coolest and fun looking indoor skate parks out there and it is even better looking if you can see Kalle Wiehn taking advantage of the mentioned above.

Featuring: Kalle Wiehn, Norman Wirtz, Marvin Adlhofer, Luis Richter, Simon Reinsch, Stefan Neuhaus, Philipp Vollmar, Kevin Vietzke & Yannick Zoo.

Es ist nun wirklich keine leichte Aufgabe einen vollständigen Part fertig zu stellen, und wenn es dazu kommt dann ist das Resultat selten so geschmeidig wie bei Norman Wirtz, dessen Gedanken spürbar bei der Sache waren. Die Manual Skills erlernt man wohl am Kap 686 in Köln – Sehr schönes Ding, Norman!

Kippe, Kaffee, Lentpark – das haben sich die Jungs vom Pivot Skateshop wohl so gedacht und sich zur morgendlichen Session am Kölner Eisstadion getroffen. Mit dabei: Marvin Adlhofer, Fatos Veseli, David Wollmann, Norman Wirtz, Simon Reinsch, Chris Wild, Martin Propfe, Robert Hallor, Lukas Wiehn und Yukio Seidel

Er hat uns schon den Treflip im Tricktip erklärt, nun war es an der Zeit drei schöne Lines von dem Mann aus Siegburg zu bekommen. Und das haben wir. Einen grossen Dank an Frederic Huber, der sich die Zeit genommen hat, um Norman vor die Linse zu kriegen. Wir feiern ihn – Cooler Typ, smoother Stlye, schöne Tricks.

Filmed by Frederic Huber
Edited by Sebi Vellrath

Los geht´s mit zwei kölsche´Jungs. Dem Bös und dem Norman. So sinn se, die Jungs vom Dom…ähh Kap. Für Royal haben die beiden mal ein paar solide Lines gefilmt. Nice.

Joey Pellegrino hört sich an, als wäre er ein Nachkomme einer Sprudelwasserdynastie. Ist er aber nicht, sondern einfach nur ein Dude, der sich in da Playgrounds austoben darf.

Silas Baxter-Neal hatten wir gestern schon mit seinem Adidas Clip im Programm. Genug Footage für eine Firing Line hat er aber immer am Start.

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Omit Apparel haben einen Clip mit dem ganzen Team und dem neuen Fahrer Moose am Start.
