Soo Hot Right Now’s very own sandwich-making & VW Polo loving Manu Wolff has finally after many coming soon announcements dropped his part. Chapeau Manu, it was worth the wait!
Tag: shrn skateshop

Place Presents: Thomas Eckert
Not Here By Luck: Lea Schairer
A video portrait of our good friend Lea Schairer by Wasted Talent.
Paul Zenner – Let’s Get It! Raw Files
Despite these eight minutes of good raw footage, we had already decided unanimously before that Paul Zenner is a cool type of person. Whenever you are in Berlin, Paul, come by the office for a beer or two! You are welcome! Let’s get it!
Conny Mirbach – A Summation Part
It is known to many of you that we like to hang out, skate, talk, and dance with a certain German professional photographer that goes by the name Conny Mirbach. Conny even shot some of the best stuff ever to make it into a PLACE Magazine. On the skateboard side of things, he can also hold his own and that is what we wanted to show you by bundling all his recent footage into this 2-minute video part. Enjoy the video and click here if you want to see some of Conny’s photo work.
Special thanks to Brett Nichols, Marlon Lange and Julian Geißinger.
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
Julian Geißinger – when will you ever learn?
The caption for this video on youtube reads “This year’s video.” and that could mean two things first, it is Julian’s 2016 video second, This is the video of the year. Now it is not clear which one it actually is but we choose to believe it is the second because we like the rapper like confidence that comes along with such a statement. Now, whether it is actually the best video is up to the viewer but we liked it a lot and are looking forward to his 2017 video.
Dennis Busenitz – The Talk Of A Decade
In honor of Dennis Busenitz, the brand with the three stripes threw a little get together to commemorate their 10-year long partnership. We flew out to München and found some time to talk to Dennis about how he ended up on the adidas, his snazzy colorways, his new shoe, growing up in Germany and Sami Harithi’s influence and more.
Emerica Wild In The Streets Munich
Der SHRN Skateshop aus Müchen hat ein Video Recap vom Emerica Wild In The Streets Event 2013.
SHRN Opening Mix – Pretty Sweet
Am vergangenen Samstag feierte der SHRN Skateshop in München seine Eröffnung und den Sound zum Opening liefert Dominik Obalski im Pretty Sweet Mix mit allen Hits – Unsere Empfehlung für alle, die im Büro sitzen und gerade lieber die Sonne geniessen würden.