Tag: Zac Gracie

Grant Yansura did it again and put another instant classic via WKND. Full of funny skits, lots of different personalities, amazing filming, and even better skating. This time the focus lies on the younger talents of the brand. Definitely, a highly entertaining video to watch.

Daniel Dent did it again. After his sick video “with the apple” from 2 years ago he is back with a new one called “faith in bro”. This time filmed in some very nice HD and it features a lot of our favorite skaters. What more could we ask for?

If you are able to skate the rough seeming spots of San Fransisco you are probably able to skate everywhere. Produced by Colton Elrod this clip features lots of good street skateboarding divided into four chapters with different songs that, I guess, stand for the four seasons mentioned in the title.

Featuring Christian Miller, Harry Hafner, Bobby Groves, Tom Brinkerhoff, Mike Kilkenny-Patrick, Adrian Vega, James Sayres, Zac Gracie, Drake Johnson, Roger Krebs, Jordan Gesko, Tory Hereford, Trevor Thompson, Simon Jensen, Connor Duhaime and Davis McDonald.
