Tag: Andrew Wilson

Pontus Alv took some of the Polar guys on a little vacation to Puerto Rico. He also invited some friends over, including Jesse Alba who took his VX with him and made this clip. Seems like they had a great time.

Featuring Andrew Wilson, Hjalte Halberg, Pontus Alv, Nik Stain, Roman Gonzales, Jesse Alba himself and more.

We had an Interview about Call me 917 from our Issue 58 “The Handshake”, where Alex Olson talks about not skating because he’s been kept busy with the business side of running two companies, while the rest of the team is just out there. Don’t worry Alex, those guys are getting it.

Not the first and not the last time, Quartersnacks & Nike SB came together for a brand new collection. To celebrate it the right way you will get to see some skating of Daniel Kim, Cyrus Bennett, Max Palmer, Josh Wilson & more. That sounds like a win-win-situation, right?

The Carhartt WIP team visited South Korea to experience the difference between skating the old Seoul and Songdo, the brand new futuristic smart city where everything is monitored and under control.

Featuring: Aaron Herrington, Chris Milic, Andrew Wilson, Joseph Biais, Jerome Campbell, Yoshihiro “Deshi” Omoto and Max Palmer.

We posted the two Quartersnacks Copenhagen offcuts now here is the final result. Filmed by the prolific Johnny Wilson with skating by Ishod Wair, Alex Olson, Bobby Worrest, Hjalte Hallberg, Oski, Andrew Wilson, Cyrus Bennett, Ville Wester, Hugo Boserup, Max Palmer and Ryan Bobier.

Photo by Zach Malfa-Kowalski
