Tag: Brendan Carroll

Like the Alltimers guys the Bronze 56K guys had the rare experience of a rained out Barcelona trip. a ******VERY RARE****** sight indeed but that did not stop them from creating a nine-minute montage. Enjoy!

Kevin Tierney, Brendan Carroll, Dick Rizzo, Ron Deily, Josh Wilson, Adrian Vega, Chachi Maserati and Rob Gonyon.

Photo by Mike Heikkila

If you have been paying attention you might have noticed that HUF just opened a new store in NYC and in honour of that store the team went out and got some really nice footage. On top of that Austyn’s Transworld cover trick is featured in this edit.

Featuring: Brad Cromer, Jake Anderson, Austyn Gillette, Matt Gottwig, Dick Rizzo and special guest Brendan Carroll.

DQM New York haben ein Video releast, das in einem ziemlich aussergewöhnlichen Format daherkommt und sich irgendwo zwischen Skate Edit und Lookbook bewegt. Finden wir auf jeden Fall interessant, wenn es auch teilweise ein bisschen anstrengend ist, gibt es doch einiges zu entdecken. Kein Wunder, denn dabei sind Hochkaräter wie Aaron Herrington, Brian Delatorre, Dustin Eggeling, Brian Delaney, Brendan Carroll, Rob Gonyon, Brian Clarke und Lee Smith.

Filmed and edited by Richard Quintero.
