Skateboarding, Realität und Vision verschwimmen im wunderbaren Kurzfilm “Cuatro Sueños Pequeños” mit Madars Apse und Javier Mendizabal, der in letzter Zeit noch einmal ordentlich Gas gibt. Thomas Campbell hat mit Unterstützung von French Fred einen Film geschaffen, den man gesehen haben sollte – Cinematografisch ist das absolute Champions League. Ab sofort ist der Film für 48 Stunden online, bevor er dann in den iTunes Store geht, also schaut ihn euch an, solange ihr die Möglichkeit dazu habt – Viel Vergnügen!
“UM YEAH FILMS Presents – “Cuatro Suenos Pequenos” (four small dreams) – A new skate film – Visual Audio Experiment by Thomas Campbell. This 21 minute movie was shot entirely on 16mm film in a dream scene scenario that blends reality, surreality and a skate adventure starring Javier Mendizabal and Madars Apse. This film captures Javier Brushing his teeth,slobbering on his pillow, bedding down with a beautiful brunette. Also Javi running into Madars Apse in his dream, they skate over volcano’s,thru the woods and into cities of Spain,The Canary Islands,Mallorca,The Basque country and California.This film has a completely original soundtrack by the critically acclaimed Basque super group “Chiwoks”.And besides the usual unusual camera perspectives you expect from a Thomas Campbell film. French Fred is also is on board Lending his iconic visual wizardry to this cauldron of the bizarre, beauty and gnar.”