Another great part from a video that has revolutionized the way people edit videos and created a new lane for creativity in skateboarding.

Another great part from a video that has revolutionized the way people edit videos and created a new lane for creativity in skateboarding.
Transworld has been killing it in 2017 and this video produced proves that amongst other things. It is a collaboration between Mandible Claw and The Northern Co. and the video makes it clear that skating Onitsuka Tigers is a thing and that thinking about the editing before you start filming can make a difference. Enjoy!
The Northern Co. entführt uns mit diesem 7 Minuten langen Clip in den kalifornischen Frühling – Bryan Botelho, Matt Town, Jesse Narvaez, Tobin Valverde und Jameel Douglas machen San Francisco unsicher und zeigen modernes Streetskating:
Matt Town ist neu im Team von Northern Co. – seinen Welcome Clip hat er zusammen mit Colin Read in New York City abgefilmt – schön schwarz weiß und mit einer gesunden Portion Roughness. Fährt er eigentlich den ganzen Clip lang Schuhe von Asics?